Dirt Juice

I woke up feeling shitty--my throat was all snarled up mostly, but my shoulders were bloody sore too. I wanted something for it, and I found the infirmary, but there was an "under construction" banner over it--one of the corners was loose and flapping about. It said "navigate away from page?" under that. I wasn't up for that shit.

After a bit I found another door that said "Alternative Infirmary" on it. The door was locked, but only a little. I found a jar of stuff; its instructions said to mix some of this powder in with hot water and drink. I been drinking it all morning. Shit tastes like dirt, but with a little mint. I read the ingredients and that's apparently what it is. It's bloody compost. For the alternatively infirm, far as I can tell.

I love this junk. Going to drink it for the rest of my life.

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